Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Get Out Of Your Own Head- No Negative Nancy's! #momlifemoments

#momlifemoment of the day.

Lunchtime is always nuts around here; kids are starving, toy box blew up in my house, whining, crying, not sharing, tired toddler life.

Today we had easy pizzas courtesy of the 21 Day Fix cookbook, and, some momma adjustments.

Literally wheat tortilla, sauce, toppings, broil--Done! Easy peasy.

Well...a fight over a toy, wrangling some shredded pieces of paper, and getting a toy out of the toilet resulted in a couple burnt pizzas.

They were healthy and delicious regardless, but as I tucked their ornery little tushies in for a nap I reminded myself that it really wasn't their fault the pizzas burnt or the sharing. They're still figuring out this big world and how to communicate with one another. I can only guide them the best I can and pray they make the right decisions as they grow older. 

Parenting is rough!
Keeping house is a tough job!
Multi-tasking two businesses is hard!
Carving out time for your marriage is hard!

I'd be lying if I said I had it all figured out.


This quote really resonated with me today, not just in regards to stir crazy kids during winter months but our existing stresses with my husband's job hours:

"Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it." -Joyce M.

Whether you've got a few stir crazy toddlers, burnt dinner, lack of communication with your spouse, business stresses, or just not enough time for You remember you're not alone!

Just because your journey has difficulties doesn't mean you have to settle for them being that way. Most every bump in the road has a different path. 


Have health problems? Start a new health routine, seek help and support.
Have stir crazy kids? Come up with new activities to burn off energy.
Haven't hit your goals for the month yet? The month isn't over, change the plan not the goal.
Struggling with multi-tasking? Work smarter, not harder.
Need more YOU time? Delegate tasks or reach out for help! And don't feel guilty.
Struggling with work/life balance? Cut the negativity, reduce distractions, and implement a new system.


I may carry 95% of the load, sometimes doubt my abilities or decisions, but I'm pulling my big girl pants up and moving on. I'm not going to fix my problems or frustrations by having self-loathe or playing the blame game.

I am in control of this life. I steer the boat.

How about you?

Until next time...

XO Hannah

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