Thursday, April 11, 2013

5 months old {Time flies}


Our sweet girl is fastly approaching her half birthday milestone. This is both a bittersweet and sad moment for me. We've had A LOT happen in 5 months.

Annalise can now;
-sit unassisted for brief periods of time
-is eating solids at least once a day
-can hold her own bottle
-talks, babbles, and mimics you
-grasps toys more fluently
-loves to stand
-is no longer content lying on the floor and playing
-whines and cries for attention
-blows bubbles
-drools and chews on everything
-rolls from her belly to back like a pro but not so much the other way yet
-open mouth kisses you
and just recently...
-started reaching for you if she wants picked up

She's a pretty happy girl these days. 
Now that her tummy is full and she's able to "communicate" better.

We're finally starting to see little chub rolls on her wrists and thighs which makes me giggly. 
I love kissing them :) ALL.THE.TIME. 

And, unfortunately my breastfeeding journey is over. I'll be the first to tell you, breastfeeding is no cake walk and it can be especially trying on a working mother who spends up to 12hrs away from baby but I've been persistent and stubborn and we've made it this far. So I'm proud to say that I've breastfed my daughter for 5 months, providing all the necessary antibodies to give her a healthy jump start to life. 

But more importantly, that she's growing and happy and that's all that matters. :) 

Happy 5 months sweet girl!

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