Saturday, January 05, 2013

Messy Mommy Moments...

Don't let this little face fool you...she's made some BIG messes for this first-time mommy!

She's not even old enough to drag out toys or write her name on the wall but she's made this momma giggle many times over ruined clothes, shoes, and sheets. 

Just recently, while visiting a girlfriend my daughter decided to annihilate her couch. Not once, but twice!

While cradling Annalise in my lap, sitting Indian style and viewing a photo book my friend had made, Annalise let out a HUGE toot. I didn't think much of it because it didn't sound or feel like it does when she normally poops. Moments later my butt felt warm. Thinking that it was something else all together...I began to get up to use the restroom. Upon doing so, I noticed a small streak of poop down my pant zipper. I immediately looked at Annalise's butt to see if she was a mess too. Her clothes were fine but her diaper was FULL! As I started to get up in hopes of salvaging her clothes, my friend broke out in a hysterical laugh. When I questioned the laughter she said it was because I had poop on my butt! Poop from my daughter. Since I could not see this hot mess, she took a picture to show me just how much poop was on my butt. 

Oh. My. God.

How did this even happen? Seriously. You'd think my child hadn't pooped in days by the sheer amount that ended up both on my butt and in her diaper. 

Nearly in tears from laughing, I proceeded to change Annalise but knew I couldn't sit down because I'd just smear the poop around. So, while I cleaned up Annalise, my friend cleaned up me. Yup, she wiped my butt.  No shyness here haha! I cannot thank her enough! 

Though slightly embarrassed, I was thankful this incident did not take place in public. I would have been mortified because had she not stated I had poop on my backside I probably would have just walked around with it stuck to me!

Then, not but moments later after we were both cleaned up and I laid Annalise back on my friend's couch, she barfed. Wonderful. Thanks kid. Now that we've ruined my friend's couch, I think its time for us to go. 

But don't let this single silly story fool you. This might be one of the most extreme blow out incidents we've had, but it most certainly will NOT be the last...

Pregnancy hardly prepares you for motherhood and new motherhood certainly doesn't prepare you for incidents like this. 
All you have to do is laugh, carry extra wipes, and use lots of stain remover when you get home!

Until next time...may all you other new mommy's stay clean in the new year ;)

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