Annalise will be 8 weeks old on Sunday and is just full of smiles and fun.
She's also growing (and learning) like a weed!
Since my last post, she has;
-Become more aware of her surroundings, staring and tracking people.
-Become aware of her voice as she shrieks sometimes for no reason at all. lol
-Smiles when you speak or sing to her.
-Is awake for at least 8 or more hours a day.
-Has started to grasp things for extended periods of time like; rattles and blankets.
-Tries "talking" to you, though it usually only comes out as a "coo" or grunt.
-Has graduated out of her newborn diapers and into size 1's, as well as, graduating into size 0-3 and 3 month clothing. Very few newborn outfits still fit but I'm glad we got almost 2 months use out of them!
-Has a new found interest in things with bright colors and high contrast. She could stare at a picture frame for 10 minutes if you let her! lol
-Her hair is darkening, though still has a very golden blonde/brown appearance in the sunlight.
-And, she loves "tummy time" but usually ends up just napping after a while. :)
She has really grown on us and I've been extremely fortunate to have such a long maternity leave.
Those extra weeks really have made a difference.
And so, as another week of her life comes to a close, I will continue to savor how small she still is and catch all these milestones on camera. They're only this small once, I'll treasure it while I can.
Until next time...
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