Friday, January 11, 2013

2 months old

Time is flying as we put another month under our belt with this sweetie. 

This is how big Annalise was inside my tummy at roughly 2 months (a blueberry):

It's fun to make this comparison because its crazy to think she was ever that small!

Annalise is at least 10lbs and 22 inches long now (according to our home scale). A nearly 3lb and 1 inch jump from last month. I'll be anxious to see what her exact weight and length are at her 2 month baby well visit on the 15th. She'll also get her 2 month vaccinations on the 15th and I'm not looking forward to being both the bad guy and the savior. :/
I hope she's like me and isn't afraid of needles once its all said and done...

Don't her smiles just melt your heart?

Side note, it is getting really difficult to get pictures of her without her limbs being blurry because she is moving all.the.time.

Her face has matured quite a bit since last month. She no longer has that "newborn" look to her which makes me both sad and excited. Sad because I know my baby girl is growing up but excited because I'm anxious to see how her looks continue to develop. 

She is just SO expressive and continues to love bath time. Being naked really. She likes that a lot. 
But then again what baby doesn't like to be nakey? ;)

We've also come to discover that she's a tummy sleeper. My husband and I went back and forth about this because of all the research done with SIDS and the risks of having an infant sleep on their stomach, etc. but this is truly the only way this girl gets more than an hour or two of sleep. 

Mommy. Too. 

Usually after her last feeding we can read a bedtime story, snuggle, then lay her on her tummy and play the glow worm. Within minutes she is asleep. 
It has worked wonderfully and she's been sleeping 5 hours at a time through the night. 
She even naps like this in her crib in the late morning and evening hours. 

While she still remains mommy's little girl, she has shown more of an interest in facing outward and sitting up  like a "big girl." Wants to be in on the action and is forever gazing at picture frames! 
Her obsession with these I will never understand.  

 She even gets propped up on the couch with mom and dad when we're trying to catch up on a TV show. 
And while it appears she might be looking at the TV, I'm sure her eyesight isn't that keen just yet. 

Speaking of, her eyes now stare at your mouth when you speak. She really studies it and sometimes will respond with laughter even if what you're saying isn't funny. 
Oh brother. Silly girl. 

She thinks everything is funny.

Such is the life of a baby. Pretty soon she won't be my baby anymore. Pretty soon she'll be crawling and gabbing back at me in baby language. 


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