Thursday, October 04, 2012

Slapped with a REALITY STICK!

First of all....its October!!! Yes, October. What happened to August and September? Didn't school just start? And September 11th? Now were getting ready to enter the first weekend of October, what the heck?!

Second, we'll be what, and most doctor's would consider "full term" in just a mere 3 weeks! While babies can still be placed in the NICU, for a variety of reasons, before and after 40's probably safe to say that we'll deliver just fine after 37. 

Though it's also crazy to think that we're close enough to full term that we could go anytime within the next 3-5 weeks! A dear friend of mine had her baby 3 weeks earlier, my sister-in-law 5 weeks, and another just a mere 10 days! So its not impossible...
And mommy wouldn't mind not suffering until Thanksgiving.. ;) *hint hint* Annalise..

I've also noticed these things in just a month's time:

-My hips have widened (probably all the achiness I feel
-My belly button has become really flat
-I now have the "linea negra" line

So what's going on this next week?:

How far along?  33w4d (8.5 months)!
Symptoms:  Fatigue, Insomnia, Left Sciatic Pain
Total weight gain/loss: +8
Gender:  Girl :)
Maternity clothes?  Yep.
Stretch Marks?  Yes :(. 
Belly Button in or out?  Flat as a pancake.
Sleep:  What sleep? 
Movement:  Still moving a lot. More rolls and elbow jabs than anything.
                           Labor Signs:  Frequent Braxton Hicks but normally only after a busy day.  
                                                      Food Cravings?:  Popsicles and grapes.  
What I miss:  Being able to lotion my feel and lower legs. :/
What I am looking forward to: Seeing how my hubby handles labor and delivery.
Upcoming appointments/events: OB appt 10/9 along with pre-registration at the hospital. Wowzers!
Best moment from last weekSeeing Annalise hiccup from the outside. 


I just love this picture where Timone is like..."woah, mom, woah!" haha. Goofy kitty. Still thinks the nursery was made just for him...
Poor cat doesn't know what's coming...


In other exciting news, we've finally got all our goodies for Annalise from the two fantastic showers that were thrown in her honor, and mommy made her first attempt at baby food.

A combination of squash and pumpkin. Tasted good to me! ;)

Her sweet ride. :)

I just love the fall colors! Plus, we wanted something neutral to potentially use with another child.

A matching bouncer!

And pack n' play. The bassinet portion of it flips over into a changing station also. It will be convenient when we make overnight trips or are doing things around the yard/house. 

Lastly, here are a couple photos of the sweet things I received for her nursery.

Quilt matching her bedding set. <3 Thanks Aunt Rachel!! You rock!

Adorable blocks and diaper tutu cake made by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law(s). 

It has been a true blessing to share this experience with friends and family. And I CANNOT wait to share photos of my baby girl instead of all the items in her room ;). Let's just hope she likes it as much as mommy does...

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