Oh Mondays, why do you always seem so crappy?
Even though I have the next two days off it still feels like a typical Monday. :/
And maybe even worse because we're now 34 weeks pregnant.
The only good this about this particular Monday is that my hubby and I will get to meet our niece, Blaire Robyn for the first time! She was born October 6, 2012 @ 9:45am weighing 7lbs0oz and 20.5 inches long.

Isn't she just adorable?! Aunt Hannah and Uncle Jason can't wait to watch you grow into a beautiful young lady and loving little sister Blaire :).
While my sister-in-law is on the road to recovery and experiencing second-time mommyhood...I, on the other hand, am venturing down the home stretch to labor and delivery myself.
Let me tell you, this third trimester stuff is NO fun! These crazy pregnancy hormones have affected me in two ways; emotionally and physically.
I've been weepy on and off alll weekend. One minute I'm content and the next I just want to burst into tears because my body aches, the long hours at work suck, and I can't be as active as I want to be.
I haven't had a cold sore/fever blister in ages and in the last two weeks I've had them 3x! In addition, the hormone "relaxin" has been doing its 'magic' and loosening my joints (to help aid in delivering this baby) but in the process made sitting, standing, walking, and lying sometimes unbearable.
Needless to say, I'm ready for the next 3-5 weeks to fly by. I'm ready to get this thing over with and start our new routine as a family. I'm ready to meet this little peanut that has caused so much grief and hub-bub the last 9 months. See what features she'll have, whose quirks she displays more of, and most of all, what our adventures as new parents will bring.
Is it November yet?
Linking up with:
Aww she's precious! Congrats! I bet she makes you even more excited for your own little girl to arrive. Not much longer!