Today we are 32w2d. Annalise will be here in less than 1 month and 23 days (to be exact ;)).
And I. feel. fat. :(
Things have been going so great toward the end here and I've really been trying to embrace the true preggo belly that has begun to poke out. But.
It is HARD!
I keep getting compliments on how my tummy looks just like a little basketball and I'm really "not that big." But lets be honest. My tummy just gets in the way now. And yesterday, for the first time, I truly could NOT put my shoes on. It was pathetic. Before, I could manipulate Annalise enough to kind of 'shove' her out of the way. Now she is just too big. And trying to bend over for normal things is a JOKE!
In some ways, painful because her knees and feet get backed up into my lungs/ribs.
Needless to say, I'm already reaching that point where I'm ready to be done!
I cannot believe that we've gone from
Sad. Face. :(
I know it will all be worth it in the end. But I'm ready to function as a normal human being again.
Annalise, honey, mommy loves you but you've caused more grief in the past two weeks than I can even begin to imagine having with make up, boys, and dances.
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