Friday, September 21, 2012

8 months {Nursery Ready!}

We'll be 32 weeks on Sunday and I'm already ready for this little girl to make her entrance into this world! She seems to be occupying my ribs more and more these days.  Thus, making mommy slightly short of breathe and a beached whale when trying to get off the couch. A funny sight to see if I do say so. I'm sure daddy just thinks its hilarious too. ;)

Baby, fetus at 32 weeks - BabyCenter

Annalise is now about 17 inches long and 4 whole pounds! She has pretty baby blue eyes, as do most babies at this stage, and is still very active in mommy's tummy. We had a doctor's appointment Tuesday and here's what the doc had to say:

-Annalise is head down but its hard to tell at this point whether or not she is making her decent into the birth canal ("maybe in a couple weeks")
-Her HB is in the 140s and beating strong
-I've gained 3lbs from my last appointment (5 weeks ago)
-My BP was 124/70
-Urine work looked good
-No swelling or edema (yet)
-And I received my yearly flu shot

Next appointment is October 9th! Eeee...coming up so quickly. We'll be 34+ weeks. I'm anticipating I'll only see my doctor a few more times before she's born. And I think they'll start doing cervix checks at 36 weeks. Wowzers! Hard to believe she'll be here in less than 2 months (54 days)! 


Here's a few projects my mother helped me finish for the nursery: 

We made fabric leaves to supplement the black ones that came with the tree decal. The fabric matches that of the bedding and fabric hoops I've posted about previously. :)


Also, this little guy thinks the new changing pad/dresser is his new bed. Sorry Timone that's for your little sister....

I think this poor kitty is in for a rude awakening when she comes. :S

I also love how the fabric hoops turned out! And I just couldn't pass up this cute little saying at Walmart. :)

I think we're more than ready for her to be here. I'll need to rearrange some things on the bookshelf and in the closet but otherwise the essentially are in place. And we are more than set on clothes! Not that she won't puke, pee, or poo on plenty of them but I'd say she's a little spoiled already..


Next up, a baby shower hosted by my lovely in-laws :) 
And, of course, the long but much anticipated wait until she makes her arrival. 
I wonder who will win the due date pool....?

Until next time....

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