Sunday, September 09, 2012

The Final Countdown!...

 Baby, fetus at 30 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along?  30 weeks!
Symptoms:  Fatigue, Insomnia, Leaking Colostrum
Total weight gain/loss: +4 from pre-preg.
Gender:  Girl :)
Maternity clothes?  Yep.
Stretch Marks?  Yes :(. 
Belly Button in or out?  Flat as a pancake.
Sleep:  What sleep? 
Movement:  Lots. I think she's trying to get comfy for her grand entrance into the world. 
Labor Signs:  Nope.  
Food Cravings?:  Not much lately. Fruit juices I guess. 
What I miss:  Being able to bend over correctly.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing whose features she'll have more of. 
Upcoming appointments/events: First baby shower 9/16, OB appt. 9/18
Best moment from last week: Realizing we're in the home stretch and I'll be able to eat and shave my legs like a normal human soon. 


Yep. We're 30 weeks along now! Only 70 days (max) left until we get to meet our baby girl. Hard to believe she was this big 25 weeks ago!

It is truly amazing growing a human being. Then again, it is also sleep depriving, body altering, and an emotional roller coaster. All good things of course ;)

Annalise has got some pretty cool things going on in there this week:

1) She'll start losing that fine hair called "lanugo" as her body is starting to regulate its own temperature
2) Both brown and white fat continue to form beneath her skin turning it from red to pink.
3) Her eyes continue to fine tune themselves but once she's born she'll only be able to see a few inches in front of her face (20/400 instead of 20/20). 
4) She's just a few inches shy of the length she'll be at when she's born! (wow)
5) Her hand might be strong enough to grasp something now
6) The human brain has indentations and folds called "convolutions." These folds allow the brain to hold more cells. Annalise's little brain is forming those wrinkly-like folds as we speak. Now is a good week to consume your Omega-3 DHA in things like fish, egg, egg product, etc.

Cool huh?!

And me? Well, I'm good. Not excellent, not terrible. I'm tired most days, my back and hips are starting to ache more as she grows larger. I'm hungry sometimes immediately after I've already eaten and far more sleep deprived than can be accounted for. And....becoming lazy unmotivated. 

The good news is...Jason and I have made some headway on the nursery. 

Jason helped me strip/sand the bookshelf that I've now painted "spring green."  I've got the remainder of the fabric hoops finished, purchased and placed our new rocking chair, and placed flower decals near the closet underneath her headbands. Next, we're expecting the dresser/changer combo and rug to come in the mail on Monday and then I can start decorating and refining existing things in there. Which, I'm sure I'll rearrange like 30 times before she comes. All part of nesting, right?

Until next time...


  1. Woohoo, 30 weeks!

    The nursery looks cute so far! I love the fabric hoops. Is your rocker from IKEA? It looks similar to the one we got there.

  2. Thanks :). You know, I'm not sure where its from. We bought it off a friend. Could very well be from there though!

  3. AW!! I love love love all the girly!! :) I wish I could pull girly off with a boy! ;)
