How far along? 28 weeks 1 day
Symptoms: Fatigue, Insomnia, Lower Back Aches, Nausea
Total weight gain/loss: +11
Gender: Girl! :)
Maternity clothes? Yep.
Stretch Marks? Very few on my sides.
Belly Button in or out? Flat as a pancake.
Sleep: Non-existent. Literally. My insomnia has been terrible the last couple days.
Movement: Not as busy as last week but I can still feel her dancing around in there. I still don't think she's head down yet.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Food Cravings?: Usually sour candy but this week I've been feeling slightly nauseous so its back to fresh fruit.
What I miss: Being able to sleep soundly.
What I am looking forward to: Putting her in all the cute outfits we've accumulated.
Upcoming appointments/events: First prenatal class 9/15, baby shower 9/16, OB appt. 9/18!
Best moment from last week: Being able to enjoy the cooler temps outside.
Overall, baby and I are doing well. I've been beyond tired lately and getting hardly any sleep at all. I contribute that to both work and the ick humidity that decided to creep back up on us at the end of August here. I've also been experiencing some weird pains in my breasts which I'm assuming are a normal sign that they are getting ready for milk?...("Moo"). Lastly, Annalise seems to favor kicking me in the right rib (highly unpleasant) but worth it to know she's still moving around in there. I'm feeling more uncomfortable with each day that passes and can't wait til I can take a full deep breath without it seeming like a chore.
Hard to believe our baby girl will be here in less than 2.5 months! I think I'm ready...
Pregnancy Health Tip of the Week:
Continue to drink lots of water. Dehydration can contribute to cramps and early labor. And with 12 weeks left we want to "cook" that baby as long as possible.
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