Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Steals!

Per my usual Wednesday routine..

I browsed the PennySaver for garage sales in the area and this particular Saturday I recruited my dear friend, Brittnea Jo, to tag along with me as we clean swept second and third time mommies of their baby girl stuff. Here are a few of my 'Saturday steals.' :)

The start of her book collection with a couple of my favorites..

A portable diaper changing station, headbands, and two bags of socks for less than $2!

A couple sack sleepers..$1

A couple spring outfits..$1

A NB 3-piece outfit (I just love little ruffles or characters on the bum) $2

A few non-baby items for the upcoming holidays :) $3.60

And a "Jenny Jump Up"-$3

I'd say we made out pretty well! Plus, mommy got just about as many fall-like outfits as Annalise did. :)

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