Monday, August 06, 2012

Thoughts on having a fall/winter baby...

As we venture closer to parenthood, I've started researching child safety a little. And I will be the first to say that I've been terrible about purchasing clothing that is practical for the fall and winter months. With all the cute swim suits and outfits for summer, I completely by-pass the cozy things. Then again, I haven't really seen cozy clothing out on the shelves either. 

Needless to say, I NEED winter clothing for my child. And along with that comes lessons about winter safety with car seats and travel. I ran across this youtube video a friend posted. Anyone having their first, second, or last child should totally watch it! I had absolutely no idea a child could not wear a winter coat in their car seat. Now it makes sense. 

So my lessons learned today....
1) Focus more on fall/winter appropriate clothing for my newborn
2) Do not purchase a cute little winter coat that baby won't be able to wear when we're traveling to see grandma and grandpa for Christmas and New Years.



  1. Fleece is perfectly safe, so we stick to fleece jackets/snowsuits as much as possible bc you can buckle them in with them on. Otherwise, we wear coats to the car, take them off, buckle, and then drape them over!

  2. Fall Babies are the best! (Obviously I am the best case in point). I need to send you all the photos of me in snow drifts and baby ski jackets! :)
