Monday, August 13, 2012

{26 weeks} 2/3rds done!

Baby, fetus at 26 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along?  26 weeks 1 day
Symptoms:  Restlessness, Insomnia, Back Aches
Total weight gain/loss:  +6-7
Gender:  Girl! :)
Maternity clothes?  Yep. Though I've been wearing Jason's clothing lately because they are the most comfy. 
Stretch marks?  Very few on my sides. 
Belly Button in or out?  In but becoming flat.

Sleep:  A little insomnia.
Movement:  Yep! She's a busy body. 
Labor Signs:  No, but I have started experiencing "Braxton Hicks."

Food cravings:  Not anything in particular. Mainly sweets. 
What I miss:  Sleeping on my stomach. 
What I am looking forward to:  Seeing what she'll look like and dressing her up. 
Upcoming appointments/events: Glucose Fasting test and OB appointment 8/14. 
Best moment from last week:  Other family members being able to feel her move.

Also for viewing pleasure, I was able to capture her kicking on camera. About 1:24 into the video you can see the paper on my stomach start to jump. Excuse my breathing. It has become harder and harder to breath with her growing lately ;). 

Pregnancy Health Tip of the Week: 
Don't forget those prenatals! Your pregnancy journey isn't over yet and neither is your babies brain development. Bottoms up!

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