Sunday, August 05, 2012

{25 weeks}

25 down, <15 to go! I cannot believe how fast this second trimester has gone! In a mere two weeks we'll be entering the third! Ahhhh. That being said, I thought it would be fun to start doing a questionnaire I've run across on a couple different blog sites. Just to mix things up a bit. Since baby girl is pretty much done with her developmental stages and is now just growing bigger we'll approach the last trimester differently. 
  Baby, fetus at 25 weeks - BabyCenter   

How far along?  25 weeks 
Symptoms:  Most recently I've started having lower back aches and pains. I'm sure this will only continue to get worse as my belly gets larger. 
Total weight gain/loss:  +5
Gender:  Girl! :)
Maternity clothes?  Yep. I mainly wear maternity capris and pants. Otherwise I can still fit in my shorts and most of my tshirts from pre-pregnancy.  
Stretch marks?  Very few on my sides. 
Belly Button in or out?  Still in but definitely more flat. 
Sleep:  Hah! Whats that? I toss and turn about every two hours at night. Maybe my body is just getting ready for when I'll have to get up and feed this kid!
Movement:  Yes!  All the time! This week she's slowed down a little but I'm imagining she's just going thru another growth spurt. I'm not too concerned. 
Labor Signs:  No, thank goodness.
Food cravings:  Not anything in particular. I do crave sweets (ice cream, sour candy, gummies, etc.) though I don't indulge all too often. 
What I miss:  Being able to have a glass of wine with dinner and a good nights sleep.
What I am looking forward to:  Seeing what she'll look like. 
Best moment from last week:  Feeling her super active. 


Pregnancy Health Tip of the Week:
As those of us begin to near the third trimester, remember to wear comfy shoes! I wore "high" heels to a wedding this morning and had it been more than a couple hours I might have cried. lol 

Now is the time that "Edema" or swelling in your hands, feet, ankles and face might begin if you haven't experienced it already. Make sure you continue exercising and put your feet up at the end of the day to reduce some of that swelling. 

Happy Sunday!

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