Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kicks, Kicks, Kicks...

Look at those cute little toes! Even though they've been kicking me all week long I still think they're adorable. (and they look like mine) :)

Yes, that's right. I've been feeling baby more and more in the past week. So much in fact that before lying down to sleep last night Jason and I watched my tummy literally "jump" as he/she had a dance party in there. lol

You should have seen us, flabbergasted and giggling. Picture me lying in bed (on my back) and Jason at eye level next to the bed staring at my tummy. We probably looked really goofy but it was truly neat to watch. Pretty soon we'll be able to see baby roll from one side to the other or a foot/hand print come out of my belly. 
After witnessing this, baby proceeded to keep me up for another hour kicking and punching or doing whatever slick dance moves he/she had up their sleeve. Jason, of course, was oblivious as I lay there awake smiling and staring at the ceiling. 

Such a neat experience and I'm glad he finally got to see what I am now feeling daily. :) I just wanted to share. Happy Thursday everyone!

P.s. More ultrasound pictures to follow once we make our gender announcement. Stay tuned for our Saturday/Sunday update! :)

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