Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Well, Hello Baby Polkie.. :)

So I know everyone was a little excited and curious at the idea of us having twins, and I will admit that I think Jason (and maybe I) was a little disappointed to hear there was only one. But the good news is, regardless of the twin part, we have one healthy babe!

We are 14w2d today with only 26 weeks to go!  That's approx. 1/3rd of the way through our pregnancy! Already? Wowzers!

Here's my 14 week baby "bump:"

I'm still down a few pounds but slowly putting it back on now that my appetite is back and in full swing! And I have noticed the little "bump" I've developed is very round and wide. Not sure what that's supposed to mean but from what I've read that could mean...girl?...

This week Baby Polkie is approx the size of a lemon (~3.4" and 1.5oz):

Luckily enough we got a surprise ultrasound and were able to see and hear baby on the monitor. And baby is measuring right on track, give or take a day. :) I will confess...having been sick for nearly 3 months was pure H-E-double hockey sticks, but after seeing the baby for the first time I think all that frustration was totally washed away. <3

Words cannot express the joy I think both my husband and I were feeling as we saw our wild little monkey doing kicks, flips, and sucking his/her thumb on the screen. And our u/s tech was so awesome! She made sure to show us all of his/her little features, as well as, my "parts" to check for any abnormalities. Thankfully, everything was normal. She did mention the term "anterior placenta" but did not seem concerned about it. Merely stating that it might be a bit longer before I can feel baby move due to the extra "cushion" (placenta placement). And from what I've read its relatively normal to have this. Regardless, I was pleased to hear and see that everything was well. And, yes, that there was a baby in there. lol

Here's our little monkey:

I think it looks like he/she has the perfect mix between mommy and daddy's nose. And though his/her noggin looks huge in these photos baby is still growing into it. By birth the head will only be a third of the size of its body. See its teeth and spine? Isn't that just neat? I love it!

Though these photos are adorable and will definitely make it into a picture frame or scrapbook, they certainly don't compare to the experience of watching him/her move in person. Mommy can't wait to meet you little one :).


(At 14 weeks, Baby Polkie is becoming a regular wiggler and touching his/her face often. In addition, Baby Polkie can now make many facial expressions and might even laugh or cry out!)


As far as Mom:

I'm doing MUCH better! The sickness has almost completely slowed down and the headaches have become more infrequent. I'm also gaining an appetite back though I'm still unable to eat very much in a sitting. In retrospect, it's probably a good thing I don't put those 9-11 pounds back on fast. Not good for my skin or baby...

Also on Mom's to-do list:
-Start a scrapbook
-Pinterest nursery ideas
-Shop for neutral baby basics
-Shop for summer maternity dresses (since the weather is heating up)

The last is pretty much a priority. Since I've been sick for practically 3 months I have done minimal exercising, besides going on occasional walks (when tolerated). This NEEDS to change! And I'm not talking about hardcore exercise or anything. I'm thinking I might take up prenatal yoga or walk longer distances. Not pushing myself of course, but merely enjoying the weather and getting out of the house and off the couch!

My final source of exciting news this week stems from a busy weekend I had with my SIL, Jenn. Last Friday we enjoyed a little Sesame Street Live at the Wells Fargo Arena with my nephew Hendrix and then did some garage saling! Sesame Street Live was a blast, but so was purchasing my first baby outfit!

My biggest challenge was finding the "right" size for a newborn. Some of the newborn stuff looked way too small and others looked way too big. Thankfully my SIL has been through this before. And even though I was picky I think I found the perfect little onesie for Christmas time. If its a girl...I'm thinking a little red tutu or white tights (or both) might look pretty cute with this. And if its a boy...jeans or naked baby legs ;). Either way they'll be a cutie!

Our next appointment is June 18th @ 8:30am where we'll probably schedule our anatomy scan to find out the gender. 

In the meantime...this mama is going to tend to the garden so I can finally eat healthy snacks and encourage this baby to grow! :)

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