Monday, December 06, 2010

It's Just Another Manic Monday...

"...wish it was Sunday cause that's my fun-day, my I don't have to run day..." -The Bangles

That song pretty much sums up my feelings about this week and my  life as a college student when Monday rolls around. Sorry it's been a while...this week is what's known as "Hell Week" at Grinnell College.  It's the week before finals so lots of paper writing and studying is going on, along with all-nighters and too much caffeine.  I myself have a lot of work to do.  Two presentations, two 10-20 page papers, and two exams.  Luckily, I'm handing in one paper and giving the presentations this week instead of next.

In other news, the Grinnell College men's and women's swim team just finished and won their first invitational in the new pool!

I know, it's pretty sweet huh?!  It's a 50 x 25 meter pool (Olympic size), has a cool down pool, separate diving well, and hot tub!  I'm lucky I got to experience my final year on the team in this glorious facility.  

Anyway, we held our first "Pioneer Classic" meet on Dec. 3rd and 4th against 10 other teams from around the area.  The women won with a score of 315 and the men with a solid 335 over Loras College and various others.  I, myself, received second place on both the 1 and 3 meter boards just 30-40 points shy of national qualifying scores.  I'm hoping that with a little more practice and some solid training in Florida over winter break I can break 400 points this year on both boards.  It seems to have always been a goal of mine but I've never had the time to fully train due to my studies or an injury.  

As a side note, while I was home for Thanksgiving, my family and I ventured to Ducky's Formal and Sabrinas to do some more planning for the wedding.  I got to try on several dresses and narrow my choice. Naturally, there was one we kept referring back to and I eventually purchased it, with the help of my father! Yay for getting more things done :).  In addition, we browsed the various tuxes next door and chose one out for the groom, groomsmen, and my father.  Here's a little sneak peak...I'll save the details for later though.  Oh and don't freak out, it won't be redneck or anything ;)

Yes, yes it's camouflage...and yes, Jason is on cloud nine.  I mean really, how many people do you know that have had camo in their wedding??  Too many cookie-cutter weddings so we just had to spice it up a little bit.  Plus Jason and my father are hunting gurus.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it works out.

Hmmm...what else is new?  Nothing for now I guess.  Basically just going to class, work and diving.  Jason is planning on going hunting with a coworker this weekend and I'll probably do a combination of wedding/registry planning and paper writing.  Hope the flurries stay but the cold wind goes.  It's supposed to get down to 0 degrees tonight, maybe colder. Brrrr....

Well, a cup of hot cocoa and warm bed are calling my name....goodnight! :)

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