Monday, February 18, 2013

14 weeks :)

Annalise is now 14w1d and fastly approaching 3.5 months old. I can't believe how quickly she's growing and changing. Some days I wake up and think she's grown overnight-no joke! She probably has.

She is now fascinated with toys, mainly ones with big bright eyes. And she just adores this owl taggie rattle. 

I think she looks so grown up with this hat on. :) 

We're also still a big fan of tummy time. Except now while she's laying on her tummy on the boppy she will push off the ground and propel herself over the front. Watch out world!

She is beginning to outgrow her 3 month clothing...not because of the width, because of the length. Not sure where she gets her height from but its not me!

How I find her most mornings. At the top of the crib, jammed in the corner, flipped over, and smiling at her mobile. SMH Silly girl..

And her new favorite thing to do... STAND. Oh geez. Strong little booger. Mommy isn't ready for you to crawl or walk yet. Calm your jets!

We've also discovered our feet and want to lunge forward toward them often. Or maybe its the painted toeneails? Either way they seem to distract her. hehe ;) 

Happy 14 weeks baby girl, we love you to the moon and back! :). 

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