Thursday we celebrated bringing in week 39 of 40 in our pregnancy. Are we there yet?
Almost. This last week seems like an eternity but mainly because at 38w6d we went into labor with Annalise. For a couple weeks now I thought her brother would follow suit, but with all the false labor symptoms no such luck.
At 39 weeks Liam is between 7 and 8.5lbs and 19-21 inches. His movements are less frequent as he's running out of space and simply too low in my pelvis.
Monday afternoon I had an unexpected visit to my Dr's office because I thought my water had broke. At that time he did my normal check-up tasks. Everything still remains uneventful. Blood pressure, urine, and labs all checked out fine. Amniotic test was negative for broken fluids and I've lost 2.5lbs.
We're still hanging around 2cm dilated and 50-60% effaced. He was vague but mentioned he thought we'd definitely made progress from the previous week so all the misery the weekend prior wasn't for nothing. We also had a discussion about how long he'd let me go before inducing me. Typically they don't like you to go past 42 weeks (at most), shockingly that puts me at an induction date no later than October 13th. What?! I pray we don't go that long. That's another 3 weeks! No thank you.
Since Monday's visit I've continued to have a myriad of early labor symptoms;
-back ache
-contractions (time-able up to 1-2 minutes apart for ~2 hours)
-lack of appetite
-weight loss
-small spurts of energy/nesting
Pretty much everything except for my "bloody show" or my water breaking. As I recall, true labor didn't start for me with Annalise until after I'd had my "show" and 6-8 hours later she was born. I'm thinking that's what will have to happen this time to stir anything up.
So, while I remain nauseous and uncomfortable most evenings and weekends we continue to wait for his arrival. It's said that baby releases hormones that help induce labor so if he's not releasing them, he's probably not ready yet. Even if mommy is. ;)
I'll keep waiting sweet boy. Take your time.
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