Tuesday, August 19, 2014

32,33,34 weeks [Stay Put Little Guy!]

                                              32 weeks                                         33w4d

Here is my almost 34 week bump. I've been slacking on my posts this pregnancy. Partly due to it being uneventful in nature, partly due to enjoying my family this summer before we go from a family of three to four.

With only 5-6 weeks left I'm feeling relatively good. Blood pressure has been running 110/60's, Liam's heartbeat has been regularly between 130-140, and so far (knock on wood) no swelling. Only after a salty meal or snack will my fingers and toes feel tight. 

We did have an episode last Saturday where we had to rush home from the park so I could lay down because I was having some pretty painful and consistent Braxton Hicks contractions, as well as, pelvic floor pressure. I definitely felt a little off and lacked an appetite so I pretty much lounged most of Saturday and Sunday with very little activity in between. 

This week I feel much better but far more exhausted than previous weeks. Especially midday and before supper. In fact, Annalise and I took several hour long naps over the weekend together. Which, by the way, if you didn't know...NEVER happens! 1) I just simply don't nap- EVER and 2) she rarely snuggles with me. 

A big change I've also noticed. She has been very, very clingy to her mama (along with the cat). Wonder if they can sense big changes are about to happen?

I've also started nesting a little. Liam's nursery is almost ready to go except for the crib rail to be put back up and a few photos hung. We're being minimalists this time as Annalise just simply had TOO much stuff in her nursery. In addition, we busted out my exercise/yoga ball to help aid in my late night hip and lower back pain. It honestly feels like heaven. I'm SO glad I used it last time in early labor. I anticipate using it again.

And how's Liam?

He's well within his length limits now. At least 19-22 inches and nearly 5 pounds. Moves all the times and has been hiccuping more frequently these last few weeks. Still head down as far as I can tell and can now open his eyes during waking periods and close them when he sleeps. 

I'm looking forward to kissing his sweet face and seeing how Annalise interacts with him.

After next Tuesday's appointment we'll be down to just 3-4 appointments before Liam is born. My goal is to make it to 36 weeks first and then 38. I will be highly surprised if we make it full term considering how low he appears to be already, and, how crampy I get after chasing around kids all day. But, you never know. 

Keep baking little guy!

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