Thursday, May 08, 2014

19 weeks [size of a mango]

At 19 weeks Baby Polkie's kicks are getting stronger and stronger.  I find myself cracking a grin each time I feel them. Its amazing how quickly you forget what they feel like even though it's only be two years.

This week so many exciting things happened and not just with mom and baby;
-we found out the gender of Baby Polkie
-I started my first day of daycare with my part-time kiddos
-we finished planting our garden
-we had our first summer-like day

We were pleasantly surprised to find out that Baby Polkie #2 was a boy!
In my mind I was fully preparing myself to reuse my girl stuff and buy matching outfits. I'd even started a list of girl names in anticipation because we had such a hard time coming up with Annalise's. On the other hand, I had an inclining it'd be boy based on how different this pregnancy has been.  
Now, we'll get the best of both worlds. :)

If you're curious what my 19 week bump looked like with Annalise, click here.

At this point baby boy is about the size of a mango and weighs a little over half a pound. He's developing a cheesy coating, vernix caseosa, to protect his skin from the amniotic fluid until birth.  He may even be able to hear muffled sounds now as his nerve cells are perfecting his five senses.

Me? I've been feeling great! Working out still, sleeping better (now that I'm off night shift), maintaining a relatively healthy diet despite the inevitable carbs that I crave, and, managed to avoid major mood swings, nausea, or back pain. (knock on wood)

Above all else I'm looking forward to focusing my time and energy with Annalise these last few months before her baby brother steals our hearts. ;)

Only 147 more days until we can kiss our sweet boy!

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