Sunday, May 26, 2013

Growing Girl {6.5 months}

At 6.5 months, Annalise... right around 15lbs.

...25.5" long. wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month clothing depending on the brand. still going through a whiny, screaming phase when something doesn't work out just how she'd like it to. She even throws temper tantrums occasionally.

...Sleeps well most nights with at least 2 catnaps and 1 long nap throughout the day. We went through a brief period of time where she was still wanting to be up two or three times throughout the night. Now, we're down to just once around 3 or 4am for a bottle. 

...has giggly moods. Sometimes when she sees the cat pass by or Dad doing something she will giggle out of no where. It's pretty cute. 

...loves peek-a-boo. She'll even try to pull the blanket on and off her face.

...Is still putting EVERYTHING in her mouth but her right big toe is her favorite. :) You have to really watch your dinner plate or she'll rip it right off the table. She's a strong little booger! now sitting in her high chair and even strong enough to sit in the high chair at restaurants. She looks so grown up sitting at the table with us!

...loves eating. Period. She's had avocados, green beans, peas, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, apples, bananas, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, oatmeal, and more. She really does like them all though I think bananas, oatmeal, and avocados are some of her favorites. And I think she'd really like to have "grown up people" food too but she has to get more teefers before I'll give her table scraps. 

...she absolutely LOVES being outside. I have an inclining we will be spending many days at the park or pool in the future. 

...and our two newest milestones have been an early attempt at army crawling and breaking a bottom tooth. 

She's not so little anymore and while I may be a bit saddened by that,
 I sure am enjoying seeing her grow and learn before our eyes.  It's pretty amazing.

Love you sweet girl. :) xoxo

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