Many have asked or discussed why it is I blog...well here's your answer.
I started blogging because of my husband (then fiancee).
Shortly after we'd gotten engaged I took blogging as an opportunity to stay in touch with family and friends that I was unable to share certain experiences with. And yesterday my husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary, so today is a tribute to the two year blogging journey my husband and I have been on.

Four years ago I met this guy. ^ He added me on Facebook thinking I was another girl he'd met at a house party. WRONG! I had no clue who this bald creep was. Sorry, honey, yes I thought you were a creep. At the time, I was rooming with a former softball player at Grinnell College and hadn't the slightest interest in meeting up with a "townie." Let alone, somebody I'd never even heard of.
After some bantering back and forth via Facebook email and 2 hour phone conversations...I'd agreed to meet him to play soccer at Ahrens Park. Um...I've never played soccer in my life. Ever. In fact, that may have been the only sport I didn't participate in, in high school.
On July 5th, 2009 we started dating. Long distance. I was still residing in Galesburg, Illinois with my parents for the summer and working at a nursing home. He was celebrating his Dad's birthday at a cabin in Iowa. Needless to say, we we're a little nuts. But! I would be re-attending Grinnell in the Fall, so it wasn't a completely crazy. And, I had two more years left...what did I have to lose? Throughout the summer, Jason would make long drives at the butt crack of dawn to visit me when I'd get off work. (i.e. He'd get off at 2am, drive to meet me at the Walmart parking lot and then drive back to make it to work by 2pm that same day!) We made it work. But I think my parents forever gave us grief for hanging out in the Walmart parking lot instead of going back to my place. lol

A few camping trips, fishing excursions, weddings, birthday dinners, sporting events, weight loss, weight gain and pumpkin picking brought us to a year of dating. A fantastic year I might add. In that time, we learned we had more in common than any other person we'd "dated." We were spontaneous, outgoing, and spending time together took a lot of the school pressure off. In some respects, maybe it was a distraction. But the best kind.
On October 21st, 2011 Jason proposed. We had talked about the potential of getting married beforehand. And I'd actually moved in with him the end of my Junior year at Grinnell. Though I think my Dad was a little peeved he was still paying for a dorm room that was and I quote "a storage space," I don't regret cohabiting with him before we got engaged. Had we not done so, I think it would have been a much more difficult transition. This guy was now my best friend and lover. We were still blind for what life had in store for us but knew that this bond, this friendship meant something.
It was our first vacation together. To Tennessee. The weather was gorgeous and the scenery was perfect. While stoked to be on my first "hike" I was not expecting Jason to propose under a waterfall in front of his best friend and many strangers also wanting to experience the glorious day.

The memories will last a lifetime but these pictures are a great reminder of how great that moment was...
On May 23rd, 2011 I graduated from Grinnell College and on July 29th, 2011 we got married. He was there for it all. My last diving meet, walking across the stage, and saying "I Do" (of course)! Hard to believe just two years prior I was calling him a "creep" and leery of our internet interactions.

It was a perfect day. A little warm but I wouldn't have changed a thing. maybe a few things. ;) But for the most part the decorations, the music, and the company were fabulous! And of course putting on my white dress and saying "I Do" to my best friend was the icing on the cake.
We honeymooned in Gurnee, Illinois. Celebrating in true 21 and 24 year old fashion...riding roller coasters and drinking fancy drinks at 10am ;)

Once we celebrated this milestone (marriage) life didn't slow down from there. I got a new job at the hospital, we moved into a new house on November 1st, and got pregnant March 11th, 2012! Jason claims that besides getting married, finding out he'd be a daddy is one of the most memorable things we've ventured into thus far. I would agree. :)
And yesterday, July 29th, 2012 we celebrated our first wedding anniversary!!
I cannot believe a year has passed already! Jason and I celebrated by watching the Olympics, ordering in pizza, and toasting to non-alcoholic champagne over our freezer burnt cake. Haha! We exchanged gifts, talked about the past a little, and fell asleep in each others arms. Jason, you are still my favorite person to wake up to in the morning...and I cannot believe its been nearly 4 years since we first met! We've had ups, downs, twists, and turns throughout our relationship but we always seem to make it work. I wouldn't change any of our experiences together and I certainly cannot wait for the ones that lie ahead.
He bought me the espresso colored pub set I've been wanting for our kitchen, and I made him a collage of all the memorabilia from our wedding day (vows, unity sand, flowers, and the panel that was sewn on the inside of my dress). We sipped our champagne and watched the Olympics on our new pub set with pink plates for our cake in honor of Annalise's 24 week mark (Jason's idea).
(We've officially reached the week of viability and could be parents at any time if Annalise decided it was time to come! How's that for the next big milestone?)

Cheers to you my dear husband. To the adventures that await us in parenthood and the obstacles life continues to throw at us along the way.
I love you...
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