Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

We are 18 weeks today. Happy Father's Day to all the daddies and soon-to-be daddies out there! Here's how Jason and I spent his first Father's Day:

When we first woke up this morning we found baby's heartbeat on the fetal doppler hanging around 150 and sounding very strong. Then, we did our Sunday ritual of lying in bed, viewing the "bump" apps I have on my Kindle that tell us what baby is up to this week. And what did we learn?

Baby, fetus at 18 weeks - BabyCenter

-Baby is now the size of a sweet potato and in the middle of a growth spurt.
-Myelin coats baby's nerve cells and protects his/her growing brain.
-A greasy coating called Vernix begins to cover baby's body to protect it from the amniotic fluid.
-He/she is twisting, rolling, kicking, and punching in there....and Mom has started to feel him/her!! It is by far the coolest feeling ever!
-Baby's inner ear is almost fully developed so he/she can now hear us!
-He/she continues to suck, swallow, yawn, and potentially hiccup.

And how is Mom and Dad?

Well, Mom is doing fantastic! I'm still occasionally tired but for the most-part more energetic. I'm also still down 5 pounds but am continually trying to increase my caloric intake. 

Today's craving- Tuna salad stuffed tomatoes with spinach from the garden and a little lemon juice!

And Jason, he's doing well. Had his wisdom teeth out on Friday but is going to be a trooper and get some pictures done with me today :). 

Though we do not know the gender of our little monkey yet we're going with my SIL, Jenn, this afternoon to take some gender reveal photos (pink and blue). It's a gorgeous day so we're hoping to get some fabulous shots with Check out her page, she does awesome work!

In the meantime, I might take a nap with my recovering hubby and watch a few TV shows while finishing the laundry. That pretty much sums up our Father's Day. Hope yours is just as wonderful :)

Pregnancy Health Tip of the Week:

Get up and move! On gorgeous days like today it'll do your mind, body, and baby good to take a walk around the neighborhood, visit the pool, or do some prenatal yoga. I might do all these things today :) You should too!

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